Get directions around NSW on Trains, Ferries, Light Rail, and Buses in Google Maps
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
Locals and tourists alike use New South Wales’ hundreds of train, ferry, and bus lines — to the tune of over 500 million times per year. With so many people looking to make the most of the state’s extensive transit network, we are excited today to announce the launch of public transport directions in Google Maps for NSW.
Just as we added cycling directions two weeks ago, you will now be able to quickly generate public transport directions from point A to point B by simply clicking on the “Get Directions” button and then selecting the public transport icon.
To see how it works, search for a Thai restaurant in Sydney on Google Maps, click on “Directions,” input your current location, choose a departure or arrival time, and then let Google Maps recommend the most convenient public transport options. The results show you step-by-step directions including the best way to walk to a bus stop, ferry wharf or train station — as well as estimated travel time. On the left hand side of the map, you will see each step in the journey; click to see it pinned on the map. If you want, drag Pegman over to the location and scope out what the stop or station looks like in Street View.
Public transport directions are also available on Google Maps on mobile phones, so you will always have access to a trip planner. Using public transport navigation from a mobile has the added convenience of automatically putting your current location as the starting point to determine the best trip to your destination. Simply search for a place to go and click “Directions.”
With Google Maps for Mobile on Android phones, you can also use Navigation to get a step-by-step guide that gives you alerts when it’s the right time time to get off the bus or when to make a transfer.
Public transport directions will be helpful to get around Sydney, but with 57 bus, train and ferry companies included, people living across the state, in towns large or small, will be able to take advantage of this new feature.
Whether you use public transport every day or just occasionally, whether you use it as a commuter or as a tourist, we hope that public transport directions for NSW give you more choices in planning your trips.
Posted by Nabil Naghdy, Product Manager, Google Maps
Just as we added cycling directions two weeks ago, you will now be able to quickly generate public transport directions from point A to point B by simply clicking on the “Get Directions” button and then selecting the public transport icon.
To see how it works, search for a Thai restaurant in Sydney on Google Maps, click on “Directions,” input your current location, choose a departure or arrival time, and then let Google Maps recommend the most convenient public transport options. The results show you step-by-step directions including the best way to walk to a bus stop, ferry wharf or train station — as well as estimated travel time. On the left hand side of the map, you will see each step in the journey; click to see it pinned on the map. If you want, drag Pegman over to the location and scope out what the stop or station looks like in Street View.
Public transport directions are also available on Google Maps on mobile phones, so you will always have access to a trip planner. Using public transport navigation from a mobile has the added convenience of automatically putting your current location as the starting point to determine the best trip to your destination. Simply search for a place to go and click “Directions.”
Public transport directions will be helpful to get around Sydney, but with 57 bus, train and ferry companies included, people living across the state, in towns large or small, will be able to take advantage of this new feature.
Posted by Nabil Naghdy, Product Manager, Google Maps