Judging Doodle 4 Google
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Earlier this year we announced the popular Doodle 4 Google competition for 2011 which gives Australian students the chance to have their version of the Google logo on our homepage and win prizes for their school.
We asked the ‘doodles’ to represent this year’s theme ‘My Future Australia’. More than four thousand schools across the country grabbed their pencils and paints to take part.
There was excitement in the Google HQ this morning as our judges Anne Geddes, Del Kathryn Barton, Jack Manning Bancroft and Joanna Gilmour pored over the entries to choose our 32 state and territory winners.
Stayed tuned to see who they've chosen when we'll open voting for your favourite doodle to narrow it down to the top four.
L-R: Jack Manning Bancroft, Anne Geddes, Joanna Gilmour and Del Kathryn Barton
This year our volunteers who sorted through all the doodles were also given a chance to pick their favourite. This special packing room mention goes to Shayla Dinh from Beechboro Primary School in Western Australia, who wrote:
“"My brother Justin has helped me think about this, so I have picked for my Doodle for Google, to help my disabled brother, Justin, he has Down syndrome. I want to cure all types of disabled people, with my own medicine (Shayla's smartability)."
To vote, visit http://www.google.com.au/doodle4google.
Posted by Leticia Lentini, Events Marketing Manager, Google Australia